Scranton Area Community Foundation

70th Anniversary Platinum Pledge

Century Club Capital Project
Donate here to support the Scranton Area Community Foundation as we prepare to move into our new home. Our new home at the historic Century Club of Scranton building will allow us to create a space that enhances learning, creativity, and collaboration, significantly increasing our ability to serve nonprofit organizations and the larger community. This space will enable us to provide small and medium-sized nonprofit organizations with capacity-building resources and technical assistance. Naming and special recognition opportunities exist. Multi-year pledges can also be accepted and are appreciated as well. Thank you for your support!

Scranton Area Community Foundation

70th Anniversary Platinum Pledge

Community Needs Fund
Donate here to support the Community Needs Fund. The Community Needs Fund is used to fund grants that are awarded to regional nonprofit organizations throughout the year in addition to assisting with annual operating costs. This fund gives you the ability to help the Scranton Area Community Foundation respond to the continued timely and critical needs of our community throughout the years.

Scranton Area Community Foundation

70th Anniversary Platinum Pledge

Wherever it's most needed
By giving where it is most needed, you entrust the Scranton Area Community Foundation to allocate your generous gift in honor of the Scranton Area Community Foundation's 70th anniversary without restrictions.